Surely if we allow towers Lynn Valley will be EXACTLY like Metrotown!!

Surely if we allow towers Lynn Valley will be EXACTLY like Metrotown!!

Again, let's step back and compare what's proposed:

Metrotown's Station Square development proposes five towers, as do the Safeway and Zellers proposals for Lynn Valley, but that's about where the similarity ends.

Metrotown is building towers ranging from 35 to 57 stories, with 1800 residential units.

The Lynn Valley proposals have asked for two 6 floor towers, one 14 floor, and two 22 floor buildings, with just over 600 units.

It's pointless to compare the two. They're simply so different that there's nothing useful to be learned from the designs. And of course, the middle of Burnaby is entirely different from Lynn Valley anyhow.

(Of course, the unspoken question is what's so bad about Metrotown? An awful lot of people like to work, shop, and live there.)

One More Note: in order to get the DNV density to match Burnaby's 2,463/ we would need another 310,000 people to move in - 3 1/2 times the current population. And we would need to build nearly 100,000 new residential units to house them.

Pre-notification letter for the existing Safeway store

Pre-notification letter for Lynn Valley Centre 

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